Bakti Arjuna Fitri
Tuesday, 27 May 2014 • 09:30 • 0 comments
Okay harini Tieyra nak story pasal seorang babyy yang sangat comel. Entah kenape rase tersentuh dengan baby ni. Rase nak tahu sangat pasal die. Nak tengok die selalu. Tieyra sendiri pun tak tau macam mane feeling tuu ade. Yes, memang baby ni takde pertalian darah langsung. Tapi maybe Tieyra just manusia biase. I have my own feeling. And that's why I feel that. I love this baby. Truely deep in my heart. I really love this baby. I don't know whyy :) But I love this baby. I love to see him.
My friends told me about his mom's song about him. The first time I heard that song. Im crying. I felt the touch of sadness inside of my heart.
Ape yang Tieyra fikir time tu. How can his parents be strong.
Dah la within 24hours nak kena cari RM35ribu.
Mesti time tu. Mane nak cari? Gelisah. Nak fikir pasal that baby lagi.
I always think about that. How can his parents be strong?
Maybe, if I am at his parents situation. The thing that I only can do is crying and praying.
Seriously ! I am very proud of Fynn Jamal & Tri <3
Their baby. Bakti Arjuna Fitri .
After 1 month adopting that baby. His parents know that the baby dikesan jantung berlubang.
and jantung baby pun dah makin membengkak.
the important thing time tu. Juna have to operate .
Tahu harini nak kena operate esok. Dalam mase yang same nak kena cari 35ribu bukan satu perkara yang senang.
Tapi Alhamdulillah, berkat Allah S.W.T :) Allah tolong diorang. Dalam mase satu hari diorang dapat duit yang cukup untuk operation Juna. and they hoping that the operation is successful. And Alhamdulillah again. Operation going well. They're so thankful and happy.
And now Bakti Arjuna Fitri is happy, going bigger, getting older !
Im happy to see him <3
I really hope that Juna will always be happy and not sick.
I love you Juna .
Juna in the hospital.
Juna is so strong !
Juna is Happy now ! Look . He is so cute and handsome. That's why I love him <3
Yeay ! Juna dah sihat. Suke tengok Juna <3 Comel sangat.
Walaupun macam-macam orang cakap pasal Juna . Walaupun orang selalu cakap Juna just anak angkat. Tapi Akak Fynn & Abang Tri still strong. Buat ape nak dengar cakap orang. Asalkan kita bahagia sudah.
Actually Juna is anak susuan. So anak susuan same taraf je dengan anak kandung. Just anak susuan bukan lahir daripada rahim sendiri.
My wish :
I really hope Juna nanti besar handsome ! Cute ! Comel ! Tolong mami & daddy. Bahagiakan diorang. Diorang dah buat macam-macam untuk Juna. You should proud of them. Not should but MUST ! hehe :) I love you Juna !
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